Multiling 2019: Roadmap

Last updated 1934 days ago by Nikiforos Pittaras

Categories: news, venues, events

The roadmap of the Multiling 2019 workshop is presented below. Information on camera-ready versions will be announced once acceptance notifications are sent.

Regular workshop papers:
Papers submission deadline: 11 July 2019 21 July 2019
Papers acceptance notification: 28 July 2019

Community tasks:
Participant registration deadline: 20 May 2019
Release of test data: 4 July 2019
Submissions deadline:  11 July 2019 21 July 2019
Evaluations announced: 28 July 2019

Along with the community task roadmap above, please make sure to visit the dedicated page for each task of intereset for potential updates of deadlines and important dates.