
(2019-07-10) Submission process details updated.
(2019-07-05) Test data are now available to download here (~127M).
(2019-05-02)  Task instructions uploaded separately here.
(2019-05-01) Training data are now available to download here (~630M). A sample is available here (139K).

This task aims to demonstrate the value and challenges of applying summarization to financial text written in English, usually referred to as financial narrative disclosures. The participants will be asked to provide structured summaries, based on real-world, publicly available financial annual reports of UK firms by extracting information from different key sections. Generated summaries should reflect the analysis and assessment of the financial trend of the business over the past year, as provided by annual reports.

The manual evaluation will be conducted by experts. Automatic evaluation will be carried through established summary evaluation measures,  using as gold-standard models executive summaries provided by humans.

 Please refer to the call for participation regarding important dates for the task.

The task coordinator is dr. Mahmoud El Haj (m dot el-haj at lancaster dot ac dot uk) and the task mailing list is multiling19fns at scify dot org.
The result submissions procedure will be announced once the test data are released.

Participants should submit results via email to the task coordinator with the subject line:
[multiling19][financial narrative summarization results] [systemid]
where [systemid] an identifier or description of the participating organization or system.

If the results are accompanied by a paper or technical report of the system, it should be submitted by the process described in the call for community task participation.
The result submissions procedure will be announced once the test data are released.