• MultiLing 2019: Second call for papers

    ...urce types and genres Topics:MultiLing covers a variety of topics on...xhaustive) list of topics: - Multilingual and cross-lingual summariz...ing upon previous and current MultiLing community tasks (elaborated b...Make sure you revisit: the MultiLing 2019 overview page the works...

    1931 days ago

  • MultiLing 2019: Call for papers

    ...the second call for papers ) MultiLing 2019 Workshop in RANLP 2019...timent/opinion summarization- Multilingual/cross-lingual summarizatio...Make sure you revisit: the MultiLing 2019 overview page the works...ultiLing was implemented as a pilot in TAC 2011, aiming to focus on t...

    1993 days ago

  • +13 more Pages
  • MultiLing 2013

    ...ring different aspects of the MultiLing 2013 event. Overview MultiLing 2013 is a community effort, a...on on a variety of languages. Multilingual multi-document summarizati...ral problems may arise in the multilingual setting  [Giannakopou...

    4130 days ago