• Workshop proceedings

    The notebook version of the workshop proceedings can be found here.The final version of the workshop proceedings can be found here.The live proceedings as published in the ACL anthology can be found here.

    1641 days ago

  • MultiLing 2019: Second call for papers

    ...cond Call for Papers MultiLing 2019 Workshop in RANLP 2019 September 6th 2019 Varna, B...rs submission deadline: 11 July 2019 21 July 2019Papers acceptance...ons should conform to the RANLP 2019 guidelines: Submission ...in EACL 2017) and now Multiling 2019 in RANLP 2019. The number of...

    1844 days ago

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  • MultiLing 2019

    News: (2019-09-06) Final workshop proceedings published.(2019-09-06) Workshop notebook proceedings published.(2019-09-03) Workshop program annou...ration (new task in MultiLing 2019); financial narrative summari...To stay updated on MultiLing2019, you can join the mailing lis...

    1507 days ago

  • MultiLing 2019: Call for papers

      First Call for Papers(For up-to-date information, please refer to the second call for papers ) MultiLing 2019 Workshop in RANLP 2019 September 6th 2019 Varna, Bulgaria Summarization and summary evaluation across source types and genres Topics:MultiLing covers a variety of topics on N...

    Tags: 2019

    1906 days ago

  • Multiling 2019: Roadmap

    The roadmap of the Multiling 2019 workshop is presented below. Information on camera-ready versions will be announced once acceptance notifications are sent. Regular workshop papers:Papers submission deadline: 11 July 2019 21 July 2019Papers acceptance notification: 28 July 2019Community tasks:P...

    Tags: 2019

    1844 days ago

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