Task description

Further to the successful pilot of OnForumS at MultiLing 2015, we are organizing the task again
in 2017 with a brand new dataset.  The OnForumS task investigates
how the mass of comments found on news providers web sites (e.g., The Guardian)
can be summarized. We posit that a crucial initial step towards that goal is to determine
what comments link to, be that either specific news snippets or comments by other users.
Furthermore, a set of labels for a given link may be articulated to capture phenomena
such as agreement and sentiment with respect to the comment target. Solving this labelled
linking problem can enable recognition of salience (e.g., snippets/comments with most links)
and relations between comments (e.g., agreement). The evaluation will focus on how many of
the links and labels were correctly identified, as in the previous OnForumS run.

Papers on multi-lingual summarization based on the 2015 training data may be submitted for consideration as part of the workshop proceeedings. There will be an opportunity for poster sessions giving results on the 2017 data for all who submit summaries for the OnForumS task.


For 2017 the training data will be the 2015 test data which may be downloaded from the 2015 site or simply CLICK THIS.


To be announced


Training data available Nov 25, 2016

Paper Submissions Nov 16, 2017

Test data available Jan 15, 2017

Submissions Due Feb 1, 2017

Peer Manual Evaluation Begins: February 2, 2017

Results Released: March 15, 2017

Workshop:  April 3, 2017