• MultiLing 2019: Second call for papers

    ...xhaustive) list of topics: - Multilingual and cross-lingual summariz...ing upon previous and current MultiLing community tasks (elaborated b...Make sure you revisit: the MultiLing 2019 overview page the works...2013 (in ACL 2013), MultiLing 2015 (in SIGDIAL 2015), MultiLing 2017 (in EACL 201...

    1843 days ago

  • MultiLing 2019: Call for papers

    ...the second call for papers ) MultiLing 2019 Workshop in RANLP 2019...timent/opinion summarization- Multilingual/cross-lingual summarizatio...Make sure you revisit: the MultiLing 2019 overview page the works...2013 (in ACL 2013), MultiLing 2015 (in SIGDIAL 2015), MultiLing 2017 (in EACL 201...

    1905 days ago

  • MultiLing 2019: Call for participation in the community tasks

    ...llowing tasks will run in the MultiLing community along the 2019 work...tions before, but also beyond MultiLing 2019) -- a summary of notable...in the Summarization Tasks of MultiLing 2015, but also in the Single document summarization tasks of 2015 and 2017 (when the latter is...

    1843 days ago

  • Task: Headline Generation

    ...  The latter set will leverage data previously released for the MultiLing 2015 and 2017 tasks.  For Wikinews...Litvak (litvak.marina at gmail dot com) and the task mailing list is multiling19hg at scify dot org.Par...

    1843 days ago

  • Task: Summary evaluation

    ...matic systems and humans in the summarization Tasks of MultiLing 2015, but also in the Single document summarization tasks of 2015 and 2017. This year we plan t...demokritos dot gr)  and the task mailing list is multiling19se at scify dot org.Par...

    1495 days ago

  • Task: Online Forum Summarization (OnForumS)

    ...urther to the successful pilot of OnForumS at MultiLing 2015, we are organizing the task a...s on multi-lingual summarization based on the 2015 training data may be submitte...Data For 2017 the training data will be the 2015 test data which may be downlo...

    2774 days ago

  • Task: Summary Evaluation

    ...his task takes as input the summaries generated from automatic systems and humans in the Summarization Tasks of MultiLing 2015, but also in the Single document summarization tasks of 2015 and 2017 (when the latter is...

    2781 days ago

  • Task: Single Document Summarization

    ...iption Following the task of 2015, the multi-lingual single-document...Summarization Task data from MultiLing 2015. A new set of data will be generat...E needs to modified to run on multilingual data you may download...ark-ups and images.  For MultiLing 2015 and 2017 the charac...

    1495 days ago

  • MultiLing 2017: Call for papers

    Second Call for Papers - MultiLing 2017 ---------------------------------------------- MultiLing 2017 Workshop in EACL 2017 Su...s://www.softconf.com/eacl2017/multiling2017/ Make sure you revisit...2013 (in ACL 2013), MultiLing 2015 (in SIGDIAL 2015) and, now, MultiLing 2017 in...

    2783 days ago

  • MultiLing 2017 Overview

    ...x on the right of this page. MultiLing covers a variety of topics on...rent genres and source types: Multilingual single-document summarization [Giannakopoulos et al., 2015]; news headline generation (new ta...ForumS task [Kabadjov et al., 2015]); conversation transcripts summar...

    2816 days ago

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