• MultiLing 2019

    ...ypes: Multilingual single-document summarization [Giannakopoulos et al., 2015]; newsheadline generation (ne...]); user-supplied comments summarization (OnForumStask [Kabadjov et al., 2015]); conversation transcripts s...

    1507 days ago

  • MultiLing 2015

    ...found in the Schedule page. (2015-08-30) System reports and ove...lable in the Addendum page. (2015-04-20) MultiLing accepted as...re and here for more info). (2015-04-10) CCCS test data release...page for more information. (2015-01-17) Sample data on MMS hav...

    3254 days ago

  • Seems special session will take place in the "Old Refectory" (see https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/events/sigdial-2015 and conference handbook).

    3251 days ago

  • MultiLing has been accepted as a special session in SIGDIAL 2015. Info to be shared within the next week. Thanks to all for the support!

    3398 days ago