• MultiLing 2019

    ...ifying individual re-quirements and intricacies, similarly to previous MultiLing endeavours [Giannakopoulos et al.,2011, Giannakopoulos, 2013, Elhadad et al., 2013, Giannakopoulos et al., 2015,...

    1550 days ago

  • MultiLing 2013

    ...find several links covering different aspects of the MultiLing 2013 event. Overview MultiLing 2013 is a community effort, a set...of research community tasks, described here. Venue MultiLing 2013 will be held as part of ACL 2...

    4085 days ago

  • MultiLing 2013 - Programme

    MultiLing 2013: Program Friday August 9, 2013 09:00    Introduction by the Organizers 09:05    Session 1 - Data Contribution and Exploitation 09:05    Session 1 - Multi-document multilingual summ...

    Tags: multiling 2013, 2013, ACL 2013, ACL, programme, keynote speakers, invited speakers

    4082 days ago

  • MultiLing 2013 - Call for Contributors

    Call for Data Contributors - MultiLing 2013 (Please feel free to forward this message. Apologies for cross-postings.) Overview ======= MultiLing 2013 is a workshop, held within ACL 2013, which covers three subdomains of Natural Language Processing, focused on the multilingual aspect of summariz...

    Tags: multiling 2013, 2013, ACL 2013, ACL, tasks, contributors, data collection

    4228 days ago

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