• Task: Headline Generation

    News:(2019-07-10) Submission process details updated.(2019-05-22) Training data for the Wikipedia Feature articles are available  here. (2019-06-02) Training data for the Wikinews articles is now available to download here. (2019-06-30) Test data for the Wikinews articles is now av...

    Tags: task, headline generation

    1886 days ago

  • Task: Summary evaluation

    News: (2020-06-22) A training set for the Wikipedia headline (as well as single document summary) data is here. (2020-06-22) The testing data with the headlines for the Wikipedia data is here. (2019-12-16) Summary evaluation dataset versions available: v1 and v2(2019-07-10) Submission process ...

    Tags: task, summary evaluation

    1538 days ago

  • Task: Financial narrative summarization

    News:(2019-07-10) Submission process details updated.(2019-07-05) Test data are now available to download here (~127M).(2019-05-02)  Task instructions uploaded separately here.(2019-05-01) Training data are now available to download here (~630M). A sample is available here (139K).This task a...

    Tags: task, financial narrative

    1886 days ago

  • Task: Single Document Summarization

    Task description Following the task of 2015, the multi-lingual single-document summarization task will be to generate a single document summary for all the given Wikipedia feature articles from one of about 38 languages provided. The provided training data will be the Single-Document Summarizati...

    Tags: task, single document summarization

    1538 days ago

  • Task: CCCS - Call Centre Conversation Summarization

    Task description Speech summarization has been of great interest to the community because speech is the principal modality of human communications and it is not as easy to skim, search or browse speech transcripts as it is for textual messages. Speech recorded from call centers of...

    Tags: CCCS, task, corpus

    3294 days ago