• MultiLing 2019

    ...papers published.(2019-02-05) MultiLing accepted as a RANLP 2019 workshop. Main Info: Multiling 2019 is an accepted RANLP 201...dline generation (new task in MultiLing 2019); financial narrative su...et al.,2011, Giannakopoulos, 2013, Elhadad et al., 2013, Giannakopoulos et al., 2015,...

    1507 days ago

  • MultiLing 2013

    ...ring different aspects of the MultiLing 2013 event. Overview MultiLing 2013 is a community effort, a set of re...ge Processing, focused on the multilingual aspect of summarization. E...ribed here. Venue MultiLing 2013 will be held as part of ACL 2...

    4043 days ago