• MultiLing 2013 - Programme

    MultiLing 2013: Program Friday August 9, 2013 09:00    Introduction by the Organizers 09:05    Session 1 - Data Contribution and Exploitation 09:05    Session 1 - Multi-document multilingual summ...

    Tags: multiling 2013, 2013, ACL 2013, ACL, programme, keynote speakers, invited speakers

    4243 days ago

  • MultiLing 2013 - Call for Contributors

    Call for Data Contributors - MultiLing 2013 (Please feel free to forward this message. Apologies for cross-postings.) Overview ======= MultiLing 2013 is a workshop, held within ACL 2013, which covers three subdomains of Natural Language Processing, focused on the multilingual aspect of summariz...

    Tags: multiling 2013, 2013, ACL 2013, ACL, tasks, contributors, data collection

    4389 days ago

  • MultiLing 2013 - Organization Roadmap

    TaskDelivery Date (year-month-day)Complete Call for contributors 2013-02-09 X Corpus selection 2013-03-11 X 1st Call for systems 2013-04-01 X 2nd Call for systems 2013-04-21 X Human evaluations on gold summaries due 2013-05-15 Summarization corpus due 201...

    Tags: multiling 2013, 2013, ACL 2013, ACL, roadmap

    4272 days ago

  • MultiLing 2013 - Organizers, Program Committee and Contributors

    You will find that there are three roles of activity related to co-organizing MultiLing.The Organizers are the people who find the way to prepare, manage and realize the workshop.The Program Committee is the group of people who provide their expertise when judging contributions and provide consul...

    Tags: multiling 2013, 2013, ACL 2013, ACL, organizers, contributors, PC, program committee

    4317 days ago

  • MultiLing 2013 - Tasks

    Tasks Summarization Task This MultiLing task aims to evaluate the application of (partially or fully) language-independent summarization algorithms on a variety of languages. Each system participating in the task will be called to provide summaries for a range of different languages, based on c...

    Tags: multiling 2013, 2013, ACL 2013, ACL, tasks

    4289 days ago

  • MultiLing 2013

    NOTE: On the right you will find several links covering different aspects of the MultiLing 2013 event. Overview MultiLing 2013 is a community effort, a set of research tasks and a corresponding workshop which covers three subdomains of Natural Language Processing, focused on the multilingual as...

    Tags: multiling 2013, 2013, ACL 2013, ACL

    4246 days ago